Sunday, December 13, 2015

Holiday Candle Must Haves | Blogmas Day 13

A week or so ago, Bath and Body works had one of their fabulous sales on the 3-wick candles and they were only $8.50. I absolutely love them and always stock up when they're on sale. They burn for 25-45 hours and they're so concentrated with the aromatic oils that literally one candle makes the whole house smell yummy, even hours after they've been extinguished. I ended up picking up four of my favorite holiday time scents and I thought I'd share with you guys which ones I picked up!

I'm a sucker for anything spicy and fruity, so Spiced Apple Toddy was immediately picked up before I had even made it through the doorway. It's a mix of "winter fruits, apple brandy & spiced plum to warm your holiday celebrations." This one has such a homey scent to it that reminds me of being back home during Christmas. The packaging looks like a present with gold "ribbon" going down the front and red foiled ornaments on the label. 

Another must have was 'Tis the Season. It's a  "rich, fruity scent of red apples, green pine & golden cider captures the joy of the season." This one is divine. It's such a comforting smell for me and I always buy a similar candle to this each year. It has a cute winter scene with a snowman and a dog, so spot on for display this time of year. 

Next is Champagne Toast. It's described as "an effervescent blend of champagne, juicy nectarine and blackcurrant." It's a light fruity scent with a touch of citrus. It's very fresh smelling, ideal for during the day. This label is similar to Spiced Apple Toddy only with gold detailing. 

Last up was one I knew I wanted when I first saw it online and that's Frosted Cranberry. It's a delicious mix of white cranberry, juicy peach & ripe red raspberries. It's not too overpowering, not too fruity and just light enough to not give me a headache like other fruity smells. This one is downright yummy and so perfect for winter. 

What are your favorite B&BW candles? It's so hard to choose just a few! Thanks for reading and have an amazing day!


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  1. I absolutely love frosted cranberries and spiced apple toddy 😍😍

    1. They're my favorites! I think Im going to buy backups just in case 😉
